Friday, August 28, 2009

New Painting and a sketch

Finished up an 11 x 14 illustration tonight. :)
illustration,children's book,watercolor,dragon,monster,glowing,child,kid,boy,human,adventure,storybook,pearl,fantasy,orb,ball
I'm liking how it came out, I think. I wasn't convinced it would turn out at all, so I'm very glad I kept tinkering with it!
A boy and his monstery friend discover a magical orb of some sort. I don't know what it does, but I do know it's shiny! And shiny things are all right with me.

This will be next project, a painting for Monday Artday for the "Moon" theme. I might just post this as a WIP there if I'm allowed to.

Man, things were slow here for a while, but all of the sudden I have three things in the works, one of which is a commission. :) I'm loving it!
See you soon, with more art!

Monday, August 17, 2009

WIP Sketch

Started the sketch for my next painting today.
sketch,illustration,children's book,kid,drgon,dragon,pearl,monster,story,wip,drawing,art

I realllllly need more human examples, we all know I can draw dog faces! So I sketched up this. It's a made up scene from something that could easily be a children's book. I drew a bit of influence from one of my professors just with the subject matter of a big mystical pearl and a kid. Sort of an homage to his watercolory awesomeness. <3

So that's what I'm working on this week.

The Etsy shop thing's been going well! I have the place all customized up with a banner and avatar and my old print stock I want to get rid of, lol. I also have two pet portrait commission slots available right now on there! It's a really exciting site, I keep finding new features I didn't know about. I better be careful it doesn't suck away all my time!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Etsy!

Woo, I just got done setting up my Etsy! Right now it's stocked with some old prints I want to get rid of and a lone jewelry project from a while ago. So if you're curious to see some embarrassingly old art of mine, check it out ;D
If you have any requests for things you want to see on there, let me know! Also general Etsy tips and tricks would be appreciated.
Do you have an Etsy? I'd like to see your shop!

Stylized Pet Portraits Done

doggy,portrait,dachshund,doxie,dog,pet,dacshie,hoodie,art,illustration,watercolor,painting doggy,dog,taco,chihuahua,pet,portrait,polo,shirt,watercolor,painting,illustration

Finished up these pet portraits of Arbo the dachshund and Taco the chihuahua. :) I think they came out rather cutely! I'm going to have small prints made to do inside of some pretty oval frames I bought, I'll have to take a picture of those when they're ready!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Puppy Sketches

I'm working on a couple of portraits of my fiancée's dogs, Arbo and Taco. Here are the final sketches, I'm working on the finished paintings today :)
Arbo is a miniature dachshund, and Taco is a chihuahua. I plan on doing more semi-stylized pet portraits in the future, so if you're interested in one of your own, drop me a line. :)